This structure is used in narrative fiction films to grab the audiences attention. the 3 act structure consists of 3 main parts, the beginning normally known as (setup), the middle (confrontation) and the end (Resolution). 

At the start of the film (inciting), the director shows off the main characters and their relationships with each other. This is when the genre of the film and the mood is established by the audience, as we start to figure out possible outcomes of the film, and how the rising action could form.

In the middle of the film (Rising action), this is when we have already seen half of the film, and we as an audience get to see the problems and consequences caused. we get to see their struggles through life, until they find their own solution. the cycle of complications are called reversals.

Finally the end of the film (Climax), this is when the solutions are resolved after the most intense area. This is when we get to understand the plot and characters actions in clearer detail.

The 3 act structure links to a similar short film I have watched which is 'The Fly', this film shows the beginning, middle and end. It starts of with him in a car and he spots a fly. In the rising action the audience gets to see the challenges that he goes through. lastly the climax shows us the resolution, which is him getting arrested. 


Vladimir Propp was a literary critic who brought up the idea that every narrative structure has the same type of character used. This idea has inspired many filmmakers and artists to create a successful narrative. Propp also commented on the fact that every fairytale follow a specific narrative structure. he believed every structure has 8 characters types.

Vladimir Propp
- The villain: fights hero in some way
- The dispatcher : helps villain/ sends hero off
- The (magical) helper: helps hero
- The princess or prize: when the hero deserves her but evil gets in the way
- Her father: gives task to the hero, finds out the false hero.
- The donor: Gives the hero a magical object
- The hero or victim/seeker hero: reacts to the doner/ fights for the princess
- False hero: takes credit for hero's actions, tries to steal the princess. 

Some of these characters link to a short film I have watched named 'The Faeries of Blackheath Woods' 
this is about a little girl, who wonders around In a woods and finds flying creatures who she thinks are fairy's. she ignores her mother and followed them down to Blackheath woods...These Faeries ended up attacking her and she never returned! The girl is the victim while the Faeries are the villain's. The mother on the other hand is 'the father' in this film. 


Genre is style or category of art, music or literature. Genre is always used in a film , it helps to discover the plot and narrative and well as sets a scene.

Each genre creates its own storyline, for instance, a romance normally goes along the line of a boy and girl liking each other. while on the other hand a horror, is usually someone being possessed which incorporates spirits and evil.

some genres include...

-Horror     -Drama
-Thriller    -Sci-fi
-Romance   -Fantasy
-Comedy    -Mystery
-Rom-con   -Tragedy 
-Action      -Non fiction 


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