Generating ideas 

C - 2/ 1                   Here are the numbers I have chosen. we got given a grid containing numbers and
L - /3 4                  different ideas with in the components. we had to match our numbers with the
S - 5/ 2                   ideas to find our final outcome.  
O - 1/ 4
W - 4/ 6

Characters: a large tiger

Location: space

Situations: trapped inside the core of the earth

Objects: along ladder

When: 4 days ago


This film could be seen as a Sci-fi film, due to it being set in space. The main character is a tiger who is also a human being. During the night he turns into a tiger, and during the day he is a full time normal human working on a spaceship.       
When he turns at night, there is a room in the spaceship that has a ladder where he can go down, to control himself. He has a wife and 2 children who are human and live on the earth. He goes through struggles of how to control it when he turning, and ends up losing control and  killing the people he works with in just 4 days. As he is now alone in the space ship,one night the spaceship loses control and gets stuck in the core of the earth, it overheats and then explodes and he dies as a tiger, and his family still doesn't  know if he is alive or not.

This film would be a blockbuster film, which means  in the film industry it would cost a lot to produce. on average it would cost £75 million, from previous costs of other films.

Wife (Sarah)                                         
Son (Elliott)                                         
Daughter (Amelia)                               
Tiger(father) (Tom).

Mise en scene: 

lighting: I think expressive lighting would create an intense and dramatic effect, especially for a sci-fi film. Blockbuster films are so popular these days, especially with the lighting. the lighting changes the mood and the plot in these types of films.

Props: The props included would be the object that I got given which is the ladder. this would be used for compact room in the spaceship. the main other object would be the space suits.             

costume/makeup: the costume and makeup would have to be expressive and bold especially for the tiger character. Tiger costume?

setting: on a Green screen in which we would have to create a backdrop in space on a spaceship. would also have some parts set in his family's house to have a contrast in settings.

character expression and movement: A    
lot of movement would be within the main character. As this film would be a Sci-fi, the character expression would be  very expressive and serious.

Dialogue: It will be a diegetic film, including, dialogue, sounds made by objects and additional music.

                                               Film Mood board


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