POST 9: Dragons Den' Pitch Planning


Genre: Horror/thriller


My idea of the narrative so far, is that a girl is frantic in the woods, (shots of feet running) with torch  she manages to get out of the forest and walks home. she pours her self a glass of water. she looks outside and through the blinds and shuts them.
the next day she walks back to the forest and
receives messages from an unknown number, which contains pictures of herself in the forest. With every picture she receives nursery rhyme lyrics with it. she then discovers things which link to the nursery rhyme lyrics in the woods. She feels anxious and tries to find her way out of the forest but ends up in the same place as before.   she sees herself standing in front of her. the version of her, holds the gun up to its head and everyone disappears, she smiles. you hear the gun shot, the real version falls. (black screen while music still playing) birds eye view shot of her gasping and waking up in the forest with the props all gone. she runs out of the forest and gets home. she packs her bags full of her childhood memory stuff

Meaning: The main plot twist is that the forest makes you see things that aren't there. The main character is paranoid and she imagines the things that aren't happening as she makes herself scared. Because the person that she sees is herself, its like a mirror. As the duplicated version of her points the gun to her self, its really herself killing herself, as she is imagining it.

The music will be in time with what happens. I will be using nursery rhymes, in which the nursery rhyme 'ring around a Rosie' will be used. the lyrics 'they all fall down' will be when she shoots the gun and she falls.

everyone was born like a blank canvas, what ever is shown on that canvas shows their personality.

as a young child she had mental health issues which made her see things that aren't real. seeing things in the forest relating to her childhood, makes her going crazy and starts bringing back mental health issues.

Potential Locations: 
-Thetford Forest
-whitlingham park
- Pouring land woods - DAYLIGHT 

Potential cast:
- The main Character (girl)
-little girl (her younger self)


As this film includes a lot of Nursery Rhymes I have decided to use ring around a Rosie, Hush little Baby and Row your Boat. These rhymes have a creepy tune to them which can be heard in a different way.

Research Into Existing Films:

This film 'pictures' gave me inspiration for my plot, to include images which makes the characters and audience feel anxious and uncomfortable. I really like this idea. It's really unique and original.

This film is called "tEXt" I really want to incorporate the style of this film. I like how the messages are on the screen, which is what I want to include in my own film. I also really love the plot twist, as the audience don't suspect it.

what I want to avoid?

In my short horror film I want to avoid creating a cliché and cheesy film, as some horrors can be very similar. Horrors can be very difficult to make which is why I need to plan exactly how I'm going to create it. I want the audience to be on the edge of their seats and feel apart of the experience shown in the film.  Most of my film will be based on editing and sound to make the narrative effective.

How is my work going to be Creative and original?

My work is going to be Creative and Original as I will be duplicating the person through editing, which is quite Original. the forest which it is set in, is a psych forest which messes with your mental health, this is a creative aspect that I thought of my self. The forest makes you see things that aren't there. It has a slight link to the Blair witch Project.   I will be experimenting with sound and lighting too, to create a dramatic effect.


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