
Showing posts from February, 2019


FINAL CUT! This is my Final Cut for my film studies coursework.


ROUGH CUT Here is my rough Cut footage of my short horror film. I'm extremely happy with the outcome so far. It fits the style I want to achieve as a director. I'm going to be building it up, using dramatic sound effects and intense editing to carry on with this style. I think no dialogue is great for this film, as it adds suspense. Dialogue can ruin horror films at times, as it's more about the misè en scene, editing and sound.  I think this footage turned out better than expected, I have learnt to create this look using editing and sound. after creating this, I know how to develop this further carrying on with the techniques I am using. 




DIRECTORIAL STYLE  for my short film, I want to show a directorial style, by using fast quick shots which were overlaid to create a sense of movement and tension. I have took some inspiration from Hitchcock, using his dark, black and white filter effect on certain parts of my film. This creates suspense and shows a particular style to the director which is what I wanted to show. I have also used short quick cuts, like Edgar Wright uses. this builds up tension and puts the audience on edge.


SOUND In my film, I will be using nursery rhyme lyrics and beside it I will be downloading royalty free sound effects to create more tension and build it up. I found some lullaby's on YouTube which I downloaded and will be overlapping. I used Zapsplat and free sound to find good audio which will fit into my film. This image shows the sound effects that are already built in to iMovie. I have overlapped many sounds to create more suspense and build up tension. There are non-diegetic and Diegetic sounds which all work together with no dialogue. I used some of these sound son iMovie, as they ambient sounds which work well in the background. Here I used my notebook to write down the lullaby lyrics I will being using in the text messages, this will help me, when it comes to typing it all out on my phone and sending it by text message. I also wrote down all the lullaby songs I will be using in my short film.


STORYBOARDS... Here are my storyboards. due to it being set in a forest, it was really hard to draw It out as a forest looks the same, so for most of it I just commented about the camera angles I will be using and what will be happening in each shot.  This was my vision before I started filming my short film. After starting my final cut and editing some bits. I then had to retake parts and then I decided to create the ending part, after watching multiple times and thinking about the best outcome. therefore the ending part is not on these storyboards. This storyboard was a rough guide, so I knew when the events were taking place in order.  whilst I was in the forest filming, a-lot of shots changed for the better, as I saw things from different angles. 


Props - plastic gun - dolls - teddy bears -mini china tea set - a rose -puzzle pieces This gun I brought on amazon, which was originally gold. I spray painted it black for the purpose of the film, which made not look slightly more realistic. The plastic doll, I bought at a charity shop for £2, in Wymondham. I used a blow torch to burn the doll and melt the plastic which made it look more rustic. I also burned 1 teddy bear and left the other one as it it. I thought this bear would look effective as he has patches on it's clothing, so I decided to add to it and burn it. I also burned the doll and the skipping rope, however I didn't use these in the end, as they were not needed while filming. I used my notebook to write all the props down, so I could tick them off as I went along. I found this really helpful, which made me much more organised.


COSTUMES: The main character - Wears a white long sleeved t-shirt dress, white socks (no shoes) The t-shirt was from miss-guided which is an online website. it was £12 however I got 20% off, which took it down to roughly £9. I then had to pay delivery too.  The child - Wears a white short sleeved flowy t-shirt dress and white frilly socks. (no shoes) I brought this top in primark it only cost £5, which I thought was good price.  MAKEUP:-  RESEARCH  For the main character... I will be experimenting with a dirty look, as she is constantly running in the woods. I will be using browns, reds and black eyeshadows to create this look.  I took inspiration form a few videos on youtube to help with this look.  For the child's makeup... I also took some inspiration from youtube as well.  this makeup look I really like, for me it's not too much which works well for my short film.  ...